Friday, October 7, 2011

Heaven Has A New Visionary

Steve. I wore mournful black today. 

We all feel the void of his absence in the universal consciousness. Most of us have a hard time dealing with the concept of living in a world without our parents... And, until yesterday, we didn't realize that we feel the same way about Steve Jobs. He has changed the lives of every inhabitant of this planet -- over a billion of us directly, and the balance indirectly. 

He has pushed the envelope more than anyone of our time -- pushed it, reengineered it and perfected it in a way that seemed near magical. He drove innovation with a mercurial vision and empathic sensitivity that only visits earth once every few centuries. Like DaVinci. 

He never sought it, but wielded immense personal power... Amazing genius... Reaching into our minds and hearts, melding with the essences, and devising the most intuitive products ever created. He expanded our minds, evolved our thought, gave imaginations to those bereft, and touched our hearts in a way that makes each and every one of us a better human being. 

Some would say his devices were divisive, in that people spoke a little less, spending more time interfacing with an iMac, iPhone, IPad, etc. But those of us with a fraction of enlightenment realize that he united the world... Now, each person with an Apple product has brothers and sisters throughout various nations of the world. And we are doing wondrous things with them, from rendering medical service, to assisting the deaf, to nation-building. 

Humbly, he taught people how to fish... And, in so doing, spawned the next generation of innovators, if not visionaries. 

Vision is a gift; innovation an art; art can be taught. 

Will we ever have devices that give us that wondrous feeling of awe and excitement, as felt only in childhood? Ever again? Is it remotely possible that we could be blessed by another such visionary in our lifetimes? We've already had one... It seems it would be greedy to expect another so soon.

Tears have been shed today. What will we do without you, Steve? Why didn't we clone you? 

There is a distinct void in the universal consciousness. And it's echoing.

Sent from my iPad

1 comment:

Evelyn Chua said...

Hi there. I had an anaphylaxis attack 30 months back, met Death, survived and have been labelled as idiopathic anaphylaxis. Salicylate sensitive was the likeliest culprit but now have been broadened to other 'chemicals'. I would like to share with you my story:

Take care,