Anaphylactic allergies are on the rise, creating one of the newest alternative lifestyles. "Lifestyle" implies all that must be done to circumnavigate the mundane to minimize the potential life-threatening situations that every day life presents us. For many, a substance that we luxuriate in on one day, could be the substance that triggers a deadly reaction the next. There are far too many stories of people with similar experiences, but seemingly no systematic guidance for those of us who must adjust our lifestyles in order to live. Our bodies present us with a tough, new reality... And we find ourselves in uncharted territory.
I was diagnosed with an anaphylactic allergy in 1999. Adjustment has been a challenge. Initially, there was much more trial and error than makes me comfortable, in retrospect. Over time, as I have had subsequent full or partial reactions, coupled with increased exposure to various physicians and health practitioners, I have learned more about the physiology of my allergy. Knowledge is power. This power has enabled me to devise strategies for living that improve the quality of my new lifestyle; it is an evolutionary process that is as much a "work in progress" as life itself.
Life is like a relay race. One cannot sucessfully make it to the end of the race without accepting a baton from one runner and passing it onto another. Thus, as we adjust to the latest health alternatives and challenges, it is our duty to share the wisdom we have gleaned along the way... Pass the baton to a fellow runner.
Anaphylaxes Axis is a place for people living with anaphylaxes to share the knowledge gained from experience. Through collaboration, the references and tips we share can foster an ease of living that could take years to develop on one's own.
The number of anaphylactic allergy survivors is on the rise, making it one of the newest alternative lifestyles. For many of us, a substance that we luxuriate in on one day, could be the substance that triggers a deathly reaction the next. Anaphylaxis Axis is a place for people living with anaphylaxes to share the knowledge they have gained from their experiences. Through collaboration, we can foster an ease of living that could take years to develop on one's own.
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