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Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Great word.  Best word for describing the approach to creating a comfortable lifestyle in the shadow of anaphylaxis.  "Approach" is much warmer and cozier, but there is nothing warm or cozy about taking back your life from the seemingly random, mutant turn of one's immune system.

The anaphylactic lifestyle demands the exuberance required to finish a race against all odds.  It requires the stamina of a decathlete in the last leg... The commitment of a mountain biker on a snaking, North Carolina trail... The determination of a Chelsey Sullenberger, as he safely landed an airplane filled with passengers on the Hudson River ... The obstinance of a cow in the middle of the road you must traverse to get a woman in labor to the hospital... The resolve and courage of an Arthur, as he lunges at Mordred to preserve the balance of good over evil... The ferocity of a frenzied Attaturk... The patience of a saint... and the forgiveness of a Mother Theresa... For our bodies don't mean to betray us....

Everyone needs a strategy.  Strategy can be generally defined as

     *  A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim

     *  The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle

     *  A plan for such military operations and movements

Make no mistake about it... This is a military operation in a guerilla universe.

Do you have a plan?

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