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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Perks, Jerks and Other Assorted Idiots


Some perks are obvious.  Others take the development of a new paradigm.  Let's work on that new paradigm together.

There are numerous perks to the anaphylactic lifestyle.  True, it is a completely unplanned reality... One that you never could have anticipated in even your most bizarre dreams.  Yes, it takes a bit more attention and effort to circumnavigate those things that could send you onto a gurney or into a body bag equally as quickly... And yes, it stinks that you won't be able to eat that wonderful dish that you clearly must have really liked... Or suit up in that latex outfit... And anaphylaxis does give the word "carefree" new meaning for you.... But, let's face it -- what doesn't kill you (literally, in this case), makes you wiser, stronger and a strategic mastermind.

Wisdom.  What is wisdom?

   * accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment

   * the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight

Insight.  Insight gives us the perk.  One such perk is the fact that jerks and other assorted idiots don't take long to become uncloaked.  "Nue comme un ver." Stark bloody naked.

A jerk will insist that the two of you (or the group you're with) eat in an establishment that might not provide a safe dining experience for you.  If the person does not defer to you in choosing a place to dine, then this person does not value your life.  At first glance, this sounds like a power play -- but it's not.  It's purely an exercise in humanity.  A friend living the non-anaphylactic lifestyle can eat whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever and with whomever they want.  The number of times they go out with you are a fraction of those times.  When they are with you, allowing you to make the ultimate call does not diminish that person's overall enjoyment of life.  If seeing you on a drip in the ER is just as entertaining an option as going to a Broadway show, then maybe it's time to re-think this connection.  After all, you choose your friends -- you are not the victim of their choices.

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